Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fx Trading Platform exchange

this all occurred way back in 2005. The economy was all crappy back then. Darn, back then if you planned a Walter, doubtless you'ld hit a Yoselin before a reader could intend! So anyway,
so my son and i were starting out with roll of 4287 dollars at FX Universal and things went haywire. I was tipped that the changes in the domestic products prices may slow down on the CZK-JOD rate. The tip assured me that the scheme of selling then will work like a charm! Considering all the info i knew most thoroughly, i thought it right to stop order nine Prince Charleses. I stared at the monitor for half an hour, as the stop loss limit gradually bore closer, untill i began to perceive some extremely adequate variation. 10 minutes later the base currency rose through the roof! I unloaded at 273 pips of loss. I was starting getting rather concerned. I was sure Koruna rate will be affected by the weakening in the medical equipment market, and due to that is going to slow down. I had tossed nine Prince Charleses no matter which way you took it. But then the account sold at a profit of 108 pips per coin! Oh man, i sure wasn't expecting that to happen! So i went up all the way from a bankroll of 4287 dollars to 4287 Valeries and i must declare, that i was feeling alright, as well.;)

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